The Brochure and the exhibition presented here, exists only in French and German. Any help in translating it into another language is welcome 🙂
The depth of the crises and the inhumanity of capitalism urge people on the streets of the whole world to resist poverty and oppression. We need solidarity actions to connect the working, feminist, anti-racist and ecological struggles of the countries where we live with those in the Middle East, North Africa, China, Chile, Haiti and beyond.
Iranian Progressives in Translation.
2019 was a year with a great number of social revolts in different corners of the world.
“Revolt 2019” summarizes these different experiences in a booklet and an exhibition to give them more visibility.

Colour Booklet, 40 pages, format A5, with a picture and a quotation for each of the 17 listed uprisings. Includes a list of the website addresses from which the quotations are taken to allow a deeper insight immersion into the various contexts.
You can download it here

The exhibition accompanying the booklet consists of 4 laminated posters in A1 format, which also contain quotations and pictures. It can be exhibited together with the brochure in collective places, cafés, etc.
For each language (French and German), 4 exhibitions are circulated simultaneously.